Get Halloween-spired and Share-A-Scare

Share A Scare Promo Banner

It’s Halloween, which means it’s time to show off your creative chops by posting a picture of your frightfully awesome Halloween costume on Moments.


For Malaysia, Singapore and Philippines users, the greatest costume will win an iPhone 6 Plus and runner-ups will receive Petrol or Starbucks gift cards. The top entries will also be compiled and shared with the global WeChat community on the Chatterbox blog and Facebook to fright and delight WeChatters all around the world.


Just follow these three simple steps to enter from Oct 28 – Nov 3:

  1. Take a photo of you in your Halloween costume
  2. Share it on your Moments page and have at least 5 friends like your post
  3. Take a screenshot of your Moments post and share it on your FB timeline, tagging your local WeChat page – @WeChat Malaysia (/Singapore/Philippines) and hashtagging #WeChatShareAScare

Don’t have your costume picked out yet? We have got just the WeChat sticker inspirations you need to find the perfect get-up this Halloween season.


The Orange Lantern

Orange Lantern WeChat Stickers

Look! In the sky! The Orange Lantern is on the move and ready to save Halloween from dastardly spooks everywhere! From fighting crime to passing out candy – this suited up superhero will save your chats from certain boredom.


Voodoo RubyVoodoo Ruby WeChat Stickers

Meet Ruby, the bold and lovable voodoo doll! The drama queen will rock her way into your heart. So get ready to drop some serious attitude in your chats with Ruby!


Frog and Horse

Frog and Horse WeChat Stickers


Frog and horse are a couple of crazy and amazing friends who escaped from the zoo and love to dance. They have lived a pretty awesome life ever since.


This is your opportunity! Whether your costume is spooky, fun, or cute, don’t forget to post it on Moments and share it with your friends and us!